
Kendall Valentina

Kendall Valentina aspires to become a police officer when she grows up! She has a twin, Kendall Velinda (7003)


Her sizes are: shirt (S) jeans (12) shoes (28 euro)


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Kendall Velinda

Kendall Velinda aspires to become a doctor when she grows up! She has a twin, Kendall Valentina (7002)


Her sizes are Shirt (S) jeans (12) shoes (28 euro)


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Kenia Elizabeth

Kenia aspires to become a scientist when she grows up.

Her sizes are: Shoes 36 (Euro) Clothes 14 (US)

She 3 siblings

Data entered: 03/14/2024

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Kenny Eliazar

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Kevin Saul

Ron & Carolyn Amerson

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Keyly Melina

Keyly aspires to become a doctor when she grows up!


Her sizes are shirt (S) jeans (14) shoes (36)


Data entered: 05-23-2024

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Keymi Daniela


Keymi aspires to become a chef when she grows up.

Her sizes are: Shoes 37 (euro) Clothing S (US)

She has 2 siblings

Data updated: 03-14-2024

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Kimberli Maryori Dayana

Kimberli aspires to be a nurse when she grows up.

Her clothing sizes: 14 (US); Shoes: 34 (Euro)

She has 2 siblings

Information entered:



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Kimberly Minerva

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Kimberly Natalia Nicol



Clothes: 16

Shoes: 37

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Krisla Mishanti

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Lauren Gisela

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