
Jordy Leonardo

Sponsor Now

Jose Angel

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Jose Ernesto

Sponsor Now

Joseph Alejandro


Shirt: S

Jeans: 8

Shoes: 40

Sponsor Now

Joseph Alexander

Shirt size: 16

Jeans: 28

Shoes: 39

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Jostin Israel

Sponsor Now

Juana Andrea

Juana aspires to become a stylist when she grows up!


Her sizes are: shirt (10) jeans (10) and shoes (30 euro)


Data entered: 05-25-2024

Sponsor Now

Juan Fernando

Juan aspires to become a police officer when he grows up.

His sizes are: Shoes 38 (euro) Clothes S (US)

He has 4 siblings

Data entered: 05/21/2024

Sponsor Now

Katerin Lucero

Sponsor Now

Katherine Jimena

Katherine aspires to become a nurse when she grows up!


Her sizes are: shirt (12) jea...

Sponsor Now

Katherin Valeria

Katherin Valeria aspires to become a doctor when she grows up.

Her clothing sizes: 16(US) Shoes: 36(Euro)

She has 2 siblings

Data entered:



Sponsor Now

Keiri Arani

Keiri aspires to become a teacher when she grows up.

Her sizes are: Shoes 36 (euro) Clothes M (US)

She has 4 siblings

Data entered 03-14-2024

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