Walter aspires to become a welder when he grows up!
His sizes are shirt (12) jeans (24) shoes (34)
Data entered: 05-23-2024
Shirt size: 8
Shoes: 33
William aspires to become a fireman when he grows up!
His sizes are: shirt (14) jeans (26) shoes (33 euro)
Wilver Estuardo aspires to become a police officer when he grows up.
His clothing sizes: 16(US) Shoes: 35(Euro)
He has 2 siblings
Updated: 03-14-2024
Yarexi Magabi aspires to become a nurse when she grows up.
Her clothing is: 14 (US) Shoes: 36(Euro)
She has 1 sibling
Yeick aspires to become a doctor when he grows up!
His sizes are: shirt (10), jeans (10), and shoes (30 euro)
Data entered: 05-29-2024