
Lila Lilibet

Lila aspires to become an accountant when she grows up.

Her sizes are: Shoes 37 (euro) Clothes M(US) Jeans (14)

She has 4 siblings

Data entered: 03-10-2024

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Lilibeth Adriana

Clothing sizes:

Jeans: 5

Shirt: 5

Shoes: 8


Linda Maria

Linda aspires to become a Stylist when she grows up.


Shirt: 16

Jeans: 12

Shoes: 33 (euro)

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Lisbet Daniela

Lisbet wishes to be a nurse when she grows up! Clothing: Size 16 Jeans: 27 Shoes: Size 37 (Euro. Sizes)


Lisbi Argelia

Lisbi aspires to become a doctor when she grows up.

Her sizes are: Shoes 38 (euro) Clothes 16 (US)

She has 5 siblings

Data entered: 03/14/2024

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Livia Angelina

Livia aspires to be a makeup artist when she grows up!


Clothes: 8

Shoes: 28


Londy Sofia

Londy wishes to be a nurse when she grows up! Clothing: Size 12 Jeans: 26 Shoes: Size 36 (Euro. Sizes)

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Lucy Andrea

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Luis Amilcar

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Luis Eduardo

Shirt: 16

Jeans: 28

Shoes: 36

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Luis Felipe

Luis Felipe aspires to become a teacher when he grows up.

His clothing sizes are: 12(US) Shoes:32(Euro)

He has 1 sibling

Data updated:


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Lurdi Francela

Lurdi wishes to be a professor when she grows up! Clothing: Size L Jeans: 30 Shoes: Size 37 (Euro. Sizes)
