
Ximena Nazaret

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Yarexi Magabi

Yarexi Magabi aspires to become a nurse when she grows up.

Her clothing is: 14 (US) Shoes: 36(Euro)

She has 1 sibling



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Yefferson David

Sponsor Now

Yelin Samantha

Shirt: S

Shoes: 36

Sponsor Now

Yerali Samanta

Sponsor Now

Yesbelin Sarai

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Yessica Paola

Sponsor Now

Yuleimi Eliana

Yuleimi aspires to become a doctor when she grows up!


Her sizes are (S) jeans (12) shoes (28)


Data entered: 05-23-2024

Sponsor Now

Yuridia Elizabeth

Sponsor Now

Zuleymi Jacqueline

Zuleymi aspires to become a teacher when she grows up.

Her sizes are: Shoes 35 (euro) Clothing 16 (US)

She has 1 sibling

Data entered: 03-14-2024

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