Water Filter System


Clubhouse is excited to be able to offer clean water to the families of Guatemala. In Guatemala there is a serious issue with many water born diseases like Cholera, Parasites, many intestinal diseases and viruses. Our filter systems will clean the water and purifies it for anyone to drink. This filter can last up to 5 years and will truly be life changing. Can you imagine always drinking dirty water, or even worse clear water that is filled with bacteria that you can't see and living with stomach pain and digestive issues for your entire life? That is the current life of the majority of Guatemalans that we work with on a daily basis. 

When you purchase a Water Filter you are changing the health and life of an entire family. When you purchase a filter online you may direct it to a family or Clubhouse will give it to one of the thousands of families are currently on a waiting list for clean water. Help us change the health of Guatemala one filter at a time!